Greenfield investment monitor fDi Markets tracked 88 instances of Africa-destined FDI in May 2013, a 44% increase from February. In May, the total capital investment in Africa increased to $1.8bn from $745m in February, and job creation saw a 58% increase. fDi Markets tracked 64 companies investing in the continent in the month.
South Africa remained the most popular destination for investors in Africa, with 16 inward projects tracked during May 2013. Ghana showed the greatest improvement in inward FDI, with investments in May accounting for 60% of all Ghanian FDI in the first five months of the year.
Financial services remained a consistently attractive investment domain with 18% of tracked investment during May falling within this sector compared with 21% in April. Food and tobacco projects saw the greatest increase in FDI, with fDi Markets tracking a 240% increase in FDI in this sector in May compared with the aggregate investment from the first four months of the year.