Data from greenfield investment monitor fDi Markets shows that since 2010 there has been a year-on-year decline in FDI projects in Ukraine. The number of FDI projects in the country peaked in 2008, when 135 investments were made and capital expenditure reached $3.73bn. Only 578 jobs were created in the year, however, making it the third worst year for job creation since fDi Markets started collecting data in 2003. With the exception of a small rise in 2010, FDI projects have been in year-on-year decline since 2008.

Between January 2003 and June 2013, a total of 1041 FDI projects were recorded in Ukraine, equating to a 0.7% share of global FDI. These projects represent a total capital investment of $20.8bn, which is an average investment of $84.2m per project. During the period, a total of 24,997 jobs were created.


The highest number of projects came from Russia, at 156. Germany ranked second, recording 146 projects and the US ranked third, with 96 projects. It was the US that created the greatest number of jobs in the Ukraine in this time period, with 6566 jobs created. Germany ranked in second place for job creation, creating 5077 jobs and Poland was third, with 3125.

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